
beats by dre pro ong he slowly wide

The night of chapter 521 month circle(next)
In addition to slow city, at distance still Jia vegetable soldier big camp about ten barren Gao Gang s in remainings up, have already taken to have a huge tent, this is the middle said by Jia vegetable big debt still, is also say to all be not in the big camp of the other party, darkly medium, huge debt surroundings empty empty"only have very few count soldier at alert, can if cautiously inspect, will discover the soil quality of this highland surroundings being a bit different, imitate a Buddha just" turns over to lately lead, but ordinary people combine can't notice these details.
Still interest eastern great parties come of two well-known scholar the soldier have already gone around and inspected the circumstance of surroundings, still Jia vegetable takes 100 close soldiers to talk a cooperation detail, these people to still interest east great constitute not threat.
Though still interest the east is great the single-handed once went to orchid city monk the Jia vegetable negotiated, this momentary, that momentary, their talks a cooperation and hasn't annexed by force the plan of the other party at that time, but at this time, their cooperations have already arrived the most decisive time, what mishaps will take place.
The night is a crime to cover, still the Jia vegetable has already arrived an one step first, he stands by the side of the big debt and far away hopes black You You of the slow city be full of the intention to murder"at this time, his vision turns again to northeast" in the eye there am an interest the eastern great big camp place be still apart from his big camp not arrive ten inside, as long as kill off an interest still east great, he then can seize an opportunity to take an interest the eastern great troops is still.
Not the distance stands two still interest eastern great close soldier, they the vigilance ground look at a circumferential circumstance, particularly is a Jia still plain of big camp, they are also awake there of each and every move, once there having excrescent troops' transfer, they then will immediately notify interest still east great.
Still the Jia vegetable peeped out a silk to smile an idea chillily in the eyes, his canthus remaining simply behind glimpsing to the highland suddenly he discovers new soil of a heap of being tiny to move for a while, in his heart not from rise one silk vexation"make to his close soldier an expression of eyes, the close soldier understands and slowly walks in the past and trampled a tiny dynamic heap of soil over there on.
At this time"the afar appeared one light of fire, the troops of a group of more than 100 personses escorts an interest the east be still great to come, still the heart Peng Peng ground of Jia vegetable jumped, a close soldier who lefts for identification dashes away but goes to, at his ear soft-voiced way:"Is an interest the east is still great, totally 103 people."
"Good!Enter to clip a debt at him of launch."
Still the Jia vegetable slowly sent back a big debt and took advantage o an interest east still the great close soldier is unprepared, come out in quick time from another small door, along a footpath run snow Gao Gang , blaring of an owl interjection rings out, the heap of soil on Gao Gang silently turns over to move"several make the very clear lance coming out the head from the heap of soil.
In the afar two in outside of in the one pitch dark forest, still 2,000 crack troopses of Jia vegetable arrangement prepare already is ready, can launch at any time.
The slow city outside have big slice of forest and put the silk fabric towel of Buddha a green and surround city defense tightly"at this time at leave Jia plain big camp still there is also one forest outside about two insides, forest in utter silence, fill the air 1 if have if have no of murderous look, at forest deep place, an about 500 people of, vomit Fan and ride a soldier, is incubating quietly, wait for the a moment of the arrival of opportunity.
These nature of 500 people are Tang Jun to change to dress up as "they are just the helmets that is dressed in to vomit Fan a person and make moves in the turning point, these 500 Tangs the soldier is Anne west soldier first patrol camp" is also Li Qing An to be from of the patrol camp is also Anne west"the everyone skill in martial arts is high strong, skill all have to hit a willow branch at 100 yards by arrow, if say that the patrol soldier is Tang Jun's special forces" of soldier's crackest troops so the first patrol camp woulds be the special kind soldier in the special forces and even includes them to fight a horse, imitating a Buddha the human nature is general, go to start into eventually all peaceful and serene, have never sent out a hoarse to blare.
Lead this patrol camp to come to carry out a task today of will get to would be medium Lang Qin Hai Yang, this is located on Anne west the soldier be rich with a legend color of the old patrol will get confident of becoming Li Qing An already it a, special tasks of some gravenesses are all completed by him, for example tonight acting "relate to the whole final outcome that vomit the fire Luo's battle, Li Qing An doesn't dare the gist" not only send first patrol camp most crackly and, also sent this experienced patrol is old will.
Qin Hai Yang and the first patrol camp have never let Li Qing An's disappointment"though still the interest is eastern great after the food was robbed, then at slow city to the east deploy a group of brigades scout, the first patrol camp marches excrescent Gui Mi and once hides all surveillance of scouts and arrived at smoothly under the slow city, the Qian entered this forest.
They incubated into 20 last night inside outside another one forest, had been patiently waiting for Jia vegetable troops to still go up north, at dusk divided they got the latest intelligence report, still Jia vegetable of 80,000 battalions have been already arrived under the slow city, station at them three in outside.
At this time, a dark shadow outside rushes into from the forest and runs Qin Hai Yang's in front to report to report:"General Qin, someone inside the city came out, about more than 100 persons, take to catch fire enter hair to Gao Gang Chu."
The opportune moment has already arrive soon, once Qin Hai Yang put a hand, and the low voice makes a way:"Set out!"
500 patrol actions are respectively quick, lead long of war horse, obscurely outside walk to the forest.
Outside open toward the forest at the Tang Jun's patrol camp to of the same time, at southern city place"a pay 40,000 people's troops also silently city, still interest east great wear a black lock of son A, similar to all soldiers" better arm of slow city tie a plain white cloth, at this time they distinction they monk Jia vegetable the troops' marking, the his hand lifts a pole long pike, target pretty much explicit, is exactly a Jia still vegetable the high Gang of the place.
Still interest the east is great don't intend to make a surprise attack the other party of big camp, but want to intercept to return in triumph to return of still Jia vegetable, as long as holding tight Jia is still plain, make him listen to be made to own conductor for Fan, though is a bit risky,seize the in command of power of 80,000 battalions for the sake of the success, still interest east great anyway also want to emit this insurance.
If he can not succeed, those 2 vomit a Fan soldier and then will thoroughly split up, the very heavy load of son presses at still interest eastern great body up, the internal revolt and foreign invasion makes him feel more exhausted, at this time he has already had no time to have regard for tomorrow of"the noodles is to put all energies and ideas at seize the troops of Jia vegetable still on" of Tang Jun is the night of month circle, he only had tonight's time.
Still interest eastern great rate battalion city, but he didn't go before becoming nervous, he looks at the other party of the southeast direction number inside outside big camp, the lights Ran in the big camp Shuo, can see unclearly someone copy a rock, his vision again hurl to southwest direction of high Gang"he seemed to see the troops that a brigade persists torch toward Gao Gang but go, then it is his substitute at this time.
Still the interest eastern great heart strain gets up, the vision tightly looks at the situation of Gao Gang 's direction ……
Gao Gang on, "still interest the east is great, have already closed to a giant big debt, a military officer comes up to a way:"Still interest eastern great general, everythings all have been already been ready, my house's general waits for in the big debt and please!"
"H'm!I knew."
, Still the interest is eastern great, jar voice jar spirit the ground promise 1 and turn over a body to dismount and walk toward the big debt in quick time to, the his more than 100s close soldier follows close behind after death and walks to enter account doorway, Gao Gang Shang again spread blaring of an owl call"this second time, on the land that sees from Gao Gang 's back, a heap of soil with very shallow heap the layer be uncovered" is below a piece of wooden board, wooden board descend then a deep pit, in squat down 35 hands to keep to sharp knife of vomit Fan soldier"they are from the deep pit a jump but, immediately appeared dense soldier on the hillside, the foot has many 1000 people, the lance in hand sends forth in the dark night dark cold light.
"You are a well Yao person?"
Someone discovered them and loudly shouted, "commander in chief, have a circumstance!", Still interest the east is great, get a shock, prepared the step of money income to stop, at this time, spread one to shout to kill a voice on all sides, the thousand odd vomits Fan the soldier madly hurtle to come up from the all directions, " killses!Kill an interest east still is great!"
Still interest eastern great close soldier Cuo's cannot comparing with to defend "was chopped down to turn over 20 several people a while" enemy's soldier is dashing but goes to on all sides, the rest person puts together dead holdout and escorts, still interest east great, break through siege to Gao Gang Xia.
One in addition to inside, still the Jia vegetable coldly looking at Gao Gangs 's combats and peeped out satisfied smiling face in the eye"he didn't expect will so easy successful, he ambushes of 2,000 crack troopses almost can not have what function.
The ambush is in the number outside 2,000 crack troopses in the forest have already slowly come out forest, they didn't get the order of Jia vegetable aggression still, is all full of in the heart a kind of difficult to express of lose, imitating the Buddha is a kind of fist to beat an empty felling.
Shouting of Gao Gang kills a voice more and more small"gradually dead silent, "still interest the east is great, finally didn't can descend Gao Gang , drive thousand odd the oneself person who is the same as to vomit a Fan soldier destroyed" a short moment, listens to a burst of clop ring, several people rushed to come over, in a military officer hand Gao Gao Ju person's head, satisfiedly yell a way:"General!Still interest east great person's head"we successful."
"Being dry to get is beautiful!"
Still the Jia vegetable is too agitated to yell a , he twists head to the slow city hope to go, city head the one that still is a black You You" imitate a Buddha to have no influence on them on the business of occurrence of Gao Gang .
Still the Jia vegetable is one Zheng, impossibly and so calmness!He thought of Gao Gang Shang to incredibly and so easily have to a hand again"the felling of a kind of bad omen rise in his heart, he hurriedly once connected person's head, a few close soldiers put the torch near, sees this person really very be like an interest still eastern great, but young get many.
"Is not good!"
Still the Jia spring realizes that oneself fell into trap "he yells a ""soon return to big camp!"
He adjusts to turn Ma Tou and then rushes to go to own big camp, after death of under charge and 2,000 ride a soldier to tightly follow behind, can rush not arrive number inside, his left wing suddenly spread one to bellow a voice, still Jia vegetable on twisting a head, sees night view in, the one dense troops appeared"they are almost sneak attacks, this troops' number is numerous, the foot contains few myriad people, such as row the mountain pour the tides of sea, moment then will still Jia vegetable of the troops surrounded and shouted to kill a voice and bellow a voice, ring become one.
Still the Jia vegetable frightens face all white, he realizes that this is the interest eastern great main force still, he early sees through his own stratagem and ambushes here, still the Jia vegetable urgently must frighten into inaction, a long time, he just orderanies an or so way:"Soon return to greatly seek help to save!"
"General, we have already been surrounded" doesn't go."
Still the Jia vegetable knows that oneself has already arrived a moment of life and death alive or dead"he urgently must denounce openly a way:"Bastard!Rush out to go, again late too late."Several hundred close soldiers constitute commando unit and outwardly break through siege, but their 3,000 people is been round and round to surround by 40,000 people, ram-jam full" basically could not broke through siege, still interest the east is great to brandish long pike to look up at sky cachinnation way:"Still Jia vegetable, you think you cleverness?In fact you are the idiot of the most stupid, you die!"
He turned head to see one eye to the east, ten insides outside would were Jia plain big camp still, but the big camp can't know a this place of circumstance, still Jia vegetable the along the road deploy of the report believe the soldier was all polished off by him.
Still interest the east is great to loudly yell a way:"Seize a Jia vegetable person still head, appreciate gold 1,002, the bright pearl is 100, the officer rises x-rated!"
Many battalions that vomit Fan strive to come forward, still the Jia vegetable is as less and less as his troops' number, gradually, seeing the general situation has been already gone ……
Still the big camp of Jia vegetable is also an one to disorder at this time, sees several hundred people of vomit Fan to ride a soldier to imitate a Buddha to walk Ma Deng round a big camp disease to rush, if their arrows flies Huang and in small compass shots into inside the camp grid, they the arrows method is precise abnormality, each gunning, then fell flop big slice of soldier, a short moment, ten arrowses project, the death and harm contains many several thousand people and frighten the food for powder don't dare to close to camp palisades again, soon, these ride a soldier and then rushed"they sparked rocket, in the dark night" n in neighborhood in the camp door pay a rocket Teng to get empty but rise"present the parabola shoots to go to the big camp, many tents of northern side are sparked" big camp northwest side immediately light of fire blunt sky, up to 100 tents are sparked"big one inside the camp confusion.
Several ten thousand men are long to see the other party only having several 100 people, then stir own big camp confusion unbearable"not from in a thundering rage, yell to shout loudly a way:"Make track for shot, live all of them Gua!"
Vomited a big camp of Fan to open"tens of thousands vomit Fan the soldier is like the ants that leave nest, rush from the big camp, rush toward to go to these several hundred people, Qin Hai Yang, Zhang Gong, takes arrows, an arrows' shooting to pour one to rush is most before vomiting Fan thousand men are long, he satisfiedly cachinnation way:"Walk!"
500 ride a soldier to adjust to turn Ma Tou, the herd of horses body Zi robustly and westward rushes to go"Tang Jun what patrol camp go together with is war horse in the all best Arabia, the horse is the soon the quickest, such as Teng cloud drive fog generally, vomiting the short stud of the Fan person's plateau basically can not catch up them.
But Tang Jun is guiding an enemy, they rush of the speed isn't quick, and vomit a Fan soldier to always keep 8910 distance"vomit the bow and arrow artillery range of Fan at 70 tread or so, so, if they namely if leave, make to vomit a Fan soldier to feel just almost can catch up"20,000 vomit a Fan soldier to chisel incessantly ground to chase, makes track for 78 in road, hurtle one mound, they suddenly discovered the combat of distance.
Sees tens of thousands battalions at lay siege to a troops"shout to kill an earthquake for sky, bellow a voice repeatedly" to make track for shot Tang Jun of vomit Fan battalion be been getting more foolish by the nose, lead a soldier to make track for shot of ten thousand man the long initiative respond to come over, "not good!Is a general be besieged."
At this time, he attended to not and up make track for shot again that several 100 people, he immediately sends a person to return to ask for help, and then shouts at top of voice, rate soldier to still the interest eastern great battalion kill to go, in the night view"two different faction of vomit Fan battalion in order to battle out to vomit fire Luo's predominant power, finally broke out overall intramural fight, continuously rush through along with both parties' reinforcement, 140,000 vomit Fan battalion at the slow city outside launched not to divide enemy my confused conflict.
Shout to kill a voice to resound through a night sky, the drumbeat is like thunder, corpse backlog suddenly and violently"blood become river, whole the slow cities all sank in to unprecedentedly rob difficult in…………
The color of the sky is gradually bright, at slow city to the east of 20 in went out now Tang Jun who constitutes to°from 60,000 battalions main force, will be the night of month circle today, unfortunately still interest east great will not see the circle of night for month.
This takes mound to rise and fall, pouring the place is a big slice of forest, block view, can't see the shadow of slow city"the Zong horse of Li Qing An hurtle a slow Qiu and squint to the slow city direction look beyond, from here, he can see unclearly the city wall of slow city, but see there is billowing black smoke in the slow city sky set alight, don't know 2 to vomit Fan battalion as well the intramural fight gets how?
He turns head to ask close soldier's way:"Can the He Lou general there have news?"
Remaining of He Lou is smooth to lead 20,000 soldiers, make a detour slow city south block up to cut to withdraw of vomit a Fan soldier, the close soldier rushes patrol clerk there, a short moment comes back to report a report:"Report back a great commander soldier, remaining of He Lou was smooth the soldier just spreading news, vomiting Fan to have no south to withdraw."
At this time, a close soldier points at front to shout a way:"The great commander soldier see quickly, is general Qin, they came back."
Sees 500 people of ride a soldier the brigade rushed out from the one forest, their morale was high, rapid came to the this place Chi, the Zong horse of Qin Hai Yang hurtled slow Qiu of son and turned over a body to dismount, the half kneels to go 1 to Li Qing An:"Report to report a great commander soldier, the vulgar job returns smoothly and reports the result to the great commander soldier!"
"The brotherses die or injure how?
"Report back a great commander soldier, only three brothers slight wounds, there is no severely wounded, didn't even fall in action."
"Is very good, do those 2 vomit a Fan soldier?Their intramural fight?"
"Our stratagem very successful, still interest eastern great monk the Jia vegetable all think that the opportunity that take advantage o to match a soldier this time swallows the other party, they are each to show off scheming, but still interest the east Be great to account Gao Yi Chou, still the Jia vegetable almost is cut to kill, exactly the under charge battalion that we guide him to come, saved him one life, they had been killing till five more cent, still interest the east is great the enemy have already sent back inside the city not, still the troops of Jia vegetable also hurtle into city, currently they are still in the confused conflict inside the city, the circumstance isn't clear.
Li Qing An ordered to nod and vomited the Fan person's intramural fight to anticipate in his idea in, in fact as early as and the wartime"their 2 people then sowed today the seed of old grudge" of the end probably they beat not to get up, but respectively walk, only is at under own skillful arrangement, this seed became material for new fire and ordered to explode them in advance of the old grudge of .
Li Qing An immediately issues order a way:"The order that spreads me, the whole army speeds up, the soldier delivers slow city, issue on order remaining of He Lou at the same time smooth" his 20,000 people must block for me to vomit Fan defeated troops, if let vomit a Fan soldier a main force to run, I wanted his head."
Once he urge Ma Ben to return to troops, Tang Jun of 30,000 ride a soldier to take the lead morrow is 300 is halted by 24 war Ma Jia of weigh type chariot, there are 30 cross bow hands in each chariot, ten among the chariots are very special, whole body Tu Cheng Huo red they are been called a quick-tempered person thunder car by Tang Jun, empress soldier again is 20,000 ride a soldier, tightly close behind chariot"Tang Jun Da Dun's brigade vastly and mightily to the slow city kill.
At this time of the slow city is already a hell on earth, corpse outside the city horizontal book Zhen, the blood becomes river and dye red big slice of land half the number above vomit a Fan soldier have already been killing brutally pathetic dying each other, they have already killed red eye, only have a mind"kill the other party" in all public
The battlefield has already turned to fight inside the city, still interest 60,000 great battalion of the east could not leave 20,000 people but still Jia the troops of the vegetable still have near half"about more than 40,000 persons" still Jia vegetable of the troops have already obviously occupied the last breeze.
Is whole at this time the people of slow city all drew in war, about 100,000 people were driven out a family by both parties, a meat shield to cover, each avenue, each an alley is the soldier peaceful people who is killed everywhere in the combat city of vehemence.
The most large-scale combat occurrence the 〖 wide 〗 field before palace up"still interest east great lead the building that about 9,000 people make use of a palace to carry on refusing to guard, but still the Jia vegetable then lead about 30,000 people to the palace launched crary aggression time and time again, he drove out tens of thousands people substitute he fore the noodles dozen assaults.
Is to cry a voice to shout a voice everywhere on the 〖 wide 〗 field, pour in the pool of blood don't the dead's moan voice, destroy a limb to break the arm person's head all over the place, corpse's piling up is like mountain, still the Jia vegetable has already killed red eye, though still interest east several great next in importance beg armistice, he isn't willing to promise he must still interest east great cut into then minced meat can solve his at heart it hate, he drive still the interest is eastern great arrows carry on the back after shooting medium, almost dying.
At this time his hand in hold to engrave to have the arrows Shi of interest eastern great name still, the hoarse makes greatest efforts ground to yell:"Kill an interest the east was still great to chop down an others head of, appreciate gold 5,002, the sheep is 10,000, seal to ten thousand men to grow!"
Rich reward under necessarily have brave man, the battalion of his under charge starts crary aggression again, they pound at palace from the all directions, center door, about 10,000 civilians are vomited a Fan soldier strong line of drive out, attempt to make them hurtle into to be palatial, despair of crying and shouting voice, squeeze to bellow a voice, ring into one, and still interest east great also nowise show consideration"hurtle the last civilian, they all kill, palace before have already piled up four 78 Zhang Gao of corpse mountain.
"Still Jia vegetable, please listen to me a speech, we not ability again mutual annihilation, I vomit an of the fire Luo's governor of province to render up you" all foods to you, I leave to vomit fire Luo!"
Still the interest eastern great voice has already been getting more hoarse, but his entreaty changes come still the Jia vegetable more crary hoot""kill him, cook him into broth, everybody divides 1 bowl."
Right here, one ride a soldier to dash away but go to, almost is to flop a horse, fall to bump to rush to arrive Jia vegetable in front to still shout a way:"General, important event not like, Tang Jun's main force already at slow city of five in outside."
Still the Jia vegetable is surprised to be getting more foolish, arrows"be Lang" in the hand falls to the ground, Tang Jun's main force came, Li Qing An came, he brain one blank, at this time"several ten thousand men long all run to his in front, loudly way:"General" we have to immediately withdraw troops, the soldier fought for a night, all already utterly exhausted, don't walk again, we whole army is routed."
Still Jia vegetable this just such as dream the square come to, he point the voice yell a way:"Withdraw quickly!Issue on order the whole army withdraws to the south, quick!"
The war took place to converse and vomited Fan food for powder to stop fighting, Tang Jun's main force killed of the news in a twinkling get about whole citieses, this news lets already have no dint again fight of vomit Fan food for powder collapse, many people at this time just such as dream the square come to, they real of the enemy come to"rushed from the all directions come of vomit Fan soldier to south the city Fen flow out but go, such as ocean at low ebb, they didn't divide an enemy any further at this time, each fight to be the first" to trample each other, numerous people are pushed over, live to trample, suffocate but dead, they only have a mind""flee for life!Flee for life toward south."
Still interest the east is great gape, don't realize mistake how long, he slowly wide awake and turn head to surroundings see go"he nearby of soldier's greater halfs all followed to flee from home, leaves 34100 close soldiers.
He mumbling way:"I did what, we all did what!"
His neigh looks up at sky to yell:"We all did what, didn't die in Tang Jun Shou, but in the oneself's hand, dead's sky!Today is the night of month circles!"
Still interest the east Be great to have been crary, pain and sufferings makes him lose rational, he yells to shout loudly, suddenly, he turns in reverse hilt of a sword, one sword goes to the oneself chest sting, the sword pierces chest and shouts a Ga however"still interest east great slowly fall flop.
South city outside of tens of thousands vomit a Fan soldier don't have opportunity break out of to living a sky"Li Qing An of 60,000 Tang the soldier main force have already blocked son their way outs, 500 patrol soldiers from behind close city gate, vomit Fan battalion to have no way out, they sink into Tang Jun's ground meat machine sort massacre.
300 chariots are vomiting Fan to rush and swerve about madly in the disorderly brigade, each war horse is covered with heavy A, they rush if fly, the vomiting Fan soldier of innumerable is bumped by the chariot to turn over, trample, pressed dead by the horse.
The chariot both sides arrows is like heavy downpour, the ground of chariot process, big slice of vomit Fan of the person be shot to pour, 50,000 Tang the soldier ride a soldier to kill more cruel, they will vomit Fan the soldier partition to surround, the troops of one slice are ruthlessnessly killed by Tang Jun, to flee for life everywhere, everywhere is rush.
Vomit although the Fan soldier also has heart holdout,they have already again had no dint to fight,beats by dre pro, greatly parts of persons connect rush to escape of energy all have no, they are like a group of cluster lambs and thoroughly sink into slaughtering of Tang Jun.
The Zhen cures fire Luo the war for vomiting of two yearses in the final outcome of a kind of hard imagination draw down purdah, successively 230,000 vomit Fan battalion at and end with vomit fire Luo drive Anne west the soldier whole Jianses, vomit fire Luo become vomit Fan soldier's end grave, include vomit great Pu of Fan at inside of 180,000 battalion whole army is routeds.
Greed and emitted in to thoroughly ruin to vomit Fan Kingdom.
Book 12 Tang Fan war over
Book 13 second front
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