
beats by dre pro orner of mouth gradu

Chapter 622 achievement originality
The strange strength in the absolute being Dan, changing into thousand the silks are 10000 wisps, spread to overflow in the viscera of Ji vast sky, arms and legs 100 Hais in, make Ji vast sky the mind and body seemed to experience a new baptism, in the ache, his whole individual again sublimates.
The muddle-minded records to develop an extraordinary effect in the great void Mi in his brain, seven colourful souls print in don't understand of magical power, the boxing becomes to become clear suddenly all of a sudden, six kinds of magical powers record in the great void Mi of help under, again carry on marvellous fusion.
He another time fell to to go into have no I of territory, forgot everything.
Time becomes to have no work meaning in the self-discipline, he could not feel the passage in time and passively accept the variety of body, the subconscious seemed to occupy on one's own initiative, guide the dint of the absolute being Dan, slowly flow in each cell Jin vein in the body ……
A year, or 100 years, so quietly brush past.
Hun however don't feel, that is in fine threads to continuously come from strength of absolute being Dan, beginning Ning chain he a bit of district of the chest and belly hoard dollar bead in the sky, that of blood vessels at the function of the absolute being Dan under, unexpectedly become multicolored rich in hues, seem to contain.Wear an endless endless tenacity.
Those blood vessels connective sky of dollar bead, the efficacy of medicine of the absolute being Dan, infused into a sky through those blood vesselses
Dollar bead.
Didn't once know how long as well, dollar bead in the sky spread a response and hid.The pure dint in the aeon in the dollar bead in sky, seem be triggered, overflowed into acupuncture points from the dollar bead midstream in sky again, return to the body of flooding in the Ji vast sky, come to the skeleton flesh and blood of the lustrous Ji vast sky and the Jin vein of the whole body.
The strength of the strange Ao, slowly infusing into Ji vast sky the whole body is 720 acupuncture pointses, let Ji vast sky
Of the acupuncture points,such as stars, generally revolve according to the particular track.
The acupuncture points of whole body revolves for a week sky each time, the world in the acupuncture points' seeming is expanded 100%, quietly don't feel, blood vessels pass Ji vast sky all over the body, dollar bead in the sky seems and all acupuncture pointses in his body connected, both parties' strength canned change with each other and constantly had a sky, the strength in the dollar bead flows out go into he all over the body of in the acupuncture points, silently change his acupuncture points.
Didn't once know how long again, a certain, Ji vast sky quickly one earthquake, suddenly and all over and lightly shiver
Get up.
Whole body 721, acupuncture points, as bright as a heavy star brilliant, a piece of space Yi Yi shining in glory livings Hui, the strength of dollar bead in the sky breaks out completely, crary infusion his acupuncture points.
The acupuncture points constantly changes, many worlds in its a size doesn't wait of whirlpool, gradually, each acupuncture points of Ji vast sky whole body, all seem another day dollar bead, the strength in the acupuncture points, spread to overflow in the whole body, in the crary operation inside his body ……
Being subjected to a benefit is the most, the whole body Jing of the Ji vast sky blood, the endless endless strength collects into a blood, makes the blood a time of all over the place a Ning chain and contains astounding strength.
The acupuncture points inside the body is brilliant, Shu ground, the Ji vast sky whole bodies are all been matchless by the brightness for shining in glory, still
Is like a flaring little the sun, dazzling abnormality.
The strength flows out and triggered this square clean soil in the Ji vast sky body and exist in the clean soil of pure of dint, and his meat body marvellously act in cooperation, momentary, the this one clean soil also immediately takes place to change, the strength in the clean soil, attraction be subjected to the Ji vast sky meat body, also silently flow out into his body ……
This process kept on for an endless time again, the Ji vast sky changed into the meat body of purgatory ghost clan, and then resumed original kind, whole body scales and shell disappear, the whole body dress Shan suddenly explodes ground, rear one radiant like the meat body of jade, good a certain and extremely keen crystal, gleam a moving heart soul of sheen.
Whole body of acupuncture points, imitate a crystallize of Buddha crystal, slowly turn, make the vehemence of Ji vast sky more and more strong ……
Work properly dream and purple Han on two pieces of lands in the distance, the original corner of mouth hangs everythings all in the middle of controling of light smiling face,beats by dre pro, arrive afterwards, 2 people the smiling face of the corner of mouth gradually refrains from rash action, these 2 people unexpectedly peeped out a heavy and matchless facial expression and imitated a Buddha to realize what is up have already outrun their to control.
Ao Suo Si just in the feeling Wu wear this a period of time of career, also in the variety that suddenly realized clean soil, the view steps over layer after layer bar, project to Ji vast sky, equally peeped out a surprised idea of Cha.
Shu ground, the Ji vast sky opens eyes and seem in two eyes Yun Di.The true meaning worn in the whole world gives people a kind of marvellous felling that he would is cosmos truth.
In the brain, seven colourful souls print medium magical power rapid fusion, in his soul ocean, a kind of mentally dense of newness is profound meaning to profoundly grave in at his heart of bottom.
Work properly, the mentally dense is profound meaning of a, the dint of the operation world, come together world it work properly, follow one's inclinations of the Ning chain world strength!
The new mentally dense is been profound meaning, profoundly printed to engrave in the brain, he lets him in a short instant own and Ao Suo Si similar strength, can follow one's inclinations of operate of cosmos various strength for existing with the mind, dissimilarity of BE, he doesn't need to sing voodoo, his heart reads and would is the bridge of connecting various world strength.
Same time, Ji vast sky come to turn to come over, realize that the great void Mi records for him great void space hole
The person keeps original posture constant, the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky quickly got into among the great void dreamland, inside the great void dreamland, numerous little the suns spray to vomit flame and give that black hole round and round to bind, after so long forging, chain boundary this kind of is marvellous profound meaning already Liao
At the strength on the black hole to burn cleanly.
Big fiesta department Ao Luo the black hole of the body place, finally be missing, rear a big fiesta to take charge of Ao from it Luo the main soul of that regiment gloom, expose plum Ao Luo in the great void dreamland, seem to be very is frightened, get into at the sight of the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky, right away surprised shout:"You unexpectedly stepped to go into originality of territory!
The absolute being soul of Ji vast sky suddenly coagulates, one interest Er, then the variety is the looks of Ji vast sky, wearing a smile nod, way:"Just just entered door, your chain turn, I just can for the territory of original mentally dense clear, and get soul song first volume in town, truely know a being getting more mysterious of absolute being soul.
"Miserably can not do so!"Ao Luo exclaims.
"You can not control!"Ha ha a long smile, resound through in time in great void dreamland of laughter, the place led by laughter, a stars lightly shivers in the great void dreamland, the spiritual influence turns over to stir, life at those stars on of life, a prostrates un worships and calls a way in succession:"The celestial spirits made effort!
The place led by his laughter, those stars spiritual influences become heavy matchless a while, the sun moon and stars presents in the unreal one by one, the world is five lines of of dint, abruptly stir up from the heart of those starses, let the world in the great void dreamland, become completely consistent with the external world.
Fire within a little the sun burning dint, , fiercely toward a big fiesta to take charge of Ao Luo spray, Ao Luo in a twinkling bind and be good enough to ruin the strength Shu that the sky puts out ground ground explosion, dashingly rushed at the big fiesta department Ao Luo's absolute being soul, started a chain turning the big fiesta department Ao Luo remnants stay of the dint of the psyche.
Meanwhile, the Ji vast sky absolute being knows a variety, a marvellous and matchless light cover, fiercely take charge of a big fiesta Ao Luo the cover live and search the cellular phone computer reading head hair 100 times.Luo of the Ao is turned the soul breathing after by the chain, at that cover son in become a way memory motion, quick drive Ji vast sky give income heart bottom.
The memory that the big fiesta takes charge of and for responding absolute being soul, so quickly eliminate Min, in the great void dreamland that is controled by the Ji vast sky mind Yu, he disappears of memory and for in the whole world of feeling Wu, all became the spirit food of Ji vast sky, there is no penny waste, completely became the foundation that the Ji vast sky heads into deeper state.
Ao Luo in the beginning still just Ao Ao strange call, gradually, he no longer produce a sound, along with the memory and the life printed the abruption for recording blend, Ao Luo saves stay in the end in the cosmos a lord printed record, finally started exhaustive disappearance.
The second volume of soul song in the town indeed as expected aims at the Ao Luo's potent medicine, the strength in vanish the whole life absolute being soul of soul song in the town second volume influences under, the big fiesta takes charge of Ao Luo, the ancient old improbity of this purgatory ghost clan strong, become need to be killed lamb, life of print to record to downplay gradually, slowly disappear.
Look back Ji vast sky, then the difference in the eye Tong only gleams and take charge of Ao in the big fiesta Luo remember disappeared of at the same time, he intercepted and seized the whole, knew a big fiesta to take charge of Ao Luo's various record of events, take charge of a big fiesta Ao Luo see as the jewelry of accept one by one to the feeling Wu of absolute being soul, and got the havings concerning soul song in the town first volume profound meaning.
Finally, big fiesta department Ao Luo the absolute being soul change of gloom light regiment, explode ground simply ordering of the of the same size for open, changing into grain of rice only order to continue to explode ground, ground become quickly passing time, but the light being presented by the Ji vast sky cover to the stopping of prison prison, drive light cover in exist of strength 11 chains turn ……
Big fiesta department Ao Luo, thoroughly the Yun puts out, and will don't return to life forever of opportunity!
This, he is to thoroughly die, the soul prints to record, memory, relevant absolute being soul of mysterious, 11 be smashed, be become nihilist by the chain, became a part of the Ji vast sky brain dime memory.Enriched the strength Wu of Ji vast sky, helped Ji vast sky.
Big fiesta department Ao Luo survived must a year, his brain in various memories can not count more, the Ji vast sky gets these memory and feeling Wu in, not equally pleasurable, start cleaning bad Po right away, Be strong line of to pick and get rid of from the brain some irrelevant memories, the big fiesta takes charge of of life career, a few feelings disputes, etc. and his strength and absolute being soul Wu isn't related, all be again turned by the chain.
Save to stay the Ji vast sky brain in of, is that he also has him to create to come out for the responding of absolute being soul, for the cognition of the dint of various worldses of some new strength rules, there is also experience of creation life, include for the black hole of those comprehend, the finally then big fiesta takes charge of concerning the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of control of method.
These memory, be just given by the Ji vast sky integrity of protect to stay, embed it.The dime in memory , slowly to the feeling Wu, goes to hole Che these memory, let so much these memories truely become their own things.
Particularly is a spool of contents of soul song in the town, be taken charge of the absolute being soul of deep feeling Wu literary piece by the big fiesta, drive he again and again of realization, then make use of soul song in the town up a spool of marvellous and profound meaning, slowly wash away dirt own soul, start again baptism of carrying on the absolute being soul, let the absolute being soul become deathless immortalization, become the terrible absolute being soul that outstrips a generally original mentally dense strong.
Various extraordinary effects of dint of relevant absolute being soul, 11 brush past in the brain, he indulges in this new state in, vacant, he came out from too the Cheng dreamland and passed to connect for a sky, the blood vessels of dollar bead, his nerve and dollar bead in the sky communicate, the big fiesta department controls for a sky, the method of dollar bead, drive he to completely understand ……
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