
cheap beats by dre etnamese opened shad

The thunder didn't explode!The third hair torpedo shot warship Wei, the explosion chased after the port two antiair cannon of department to also break down for earthquake, and the propeller that broke to go forward the port end of the tail on the number at the same time spreads stalk.
Leave three hairs to then explode in the sea water, surprised repeatedly great waves.
Go forward number to experience stroke like this, have no consequently sink, seem in addition to twos are near to defend cannon ability not again in order to, other the whole normal, even if the propeller spreads stalk,at most influence a sail soon!
However be shot by the torpedo in, the huge impact dint is a hard imagination of, expect Er to wear man although surface town settle, the heart is flurried abnormality, wonder this sea indeed as expected unlike land, hand over to light a fire come whole is this kind of to greatly kill to harm dint weapon.
Certainly, this weighed him for hating Vietnamese more, with what?This kind of inferior race only because there is modern weapon in the hand dare at here overbearing, not only killed own son, even and the most considerate Yi for oneself ten thousand promise men also killed and really made people very unwilling.
He doesn't want as well, is who sell to modernization weapon theirs?By this time started putting blame on other people, early stem what go to, how to don't think ammunition seller's time?So say, this kind of person is the most shameless, seem Xu Zhou Guan sets fire and forbid common people light-on about, he is a lately- set fire state officer at the moment.
In fact two parties material up of margin very big, if expect Er to wear man be not don't so overbearingly and not want to personally experience Vietnamese monkey drive oneself deep-fried become chippy of words, only afraid at several ten nautical miles outside help the guy the whole Jianses this, which still the his turns are rampant at the moment, fertile slice man Si of radicle to say, this guy is a typical military idiocy.
Be beaten to want to still return to naturally, hence the man tiger of Ba Er Dai once the Qu shake, the spirit of tortoise puts indiscriminately under, immediately will fear to break up, stretch head outward noodles to roar a way:"All stem what eat?That what does the anti- warship guided missile stay to see?Still don't hurry to me beat in the past, his ma of, a group of discards!"
Face this kind of idiocy, what can those Russian big soldiers also say?In fine, they immediately fill to pack guided missile and beat his Niang!
It is the radicle that is fertile to slice man Si to query a way to pour:"Is near to defend cannon and torpedo need not, use guided missile?So near distance, not satisfactory?"
"How?Are you querying my in command of ability?"Expect Er to wear man to become overdo, flash across of face one silk doesn't easily realize of angry countenance, yes, any place of honor none of likes querying of under charge, which afraid he is really wrong.
The radicle being fertile to slice man Si is exactly young and red-blooded, early unbearable of he, finally stood out this time:"Yes, superior, before I doubt your in command of experience very much, we at discover momentary of target should next reach attackstone instruction, you not only didn't so do and on the contrary wanted to come up to hard Han.Can also prop up with our material fierce battles really, can you know that this will make us increase much loss?All of them are a headquarters jing to pick thin select of jing English, not you make reprisals the tool of opponent, their life, also similar very worth money!"
What radicle mean to say that is in fact fertile to slice man Si BE"in the my eyes, their lives are much worther money than your Ba Er Dai's man."But rational tell him, this kind of words Ba Er Dai's man all anyway connects to can not stand, so he chose this tactfully some words to express their his own meanings.
Even if so, expecting Er to wear man still can not bear with a "boy" is so many people's noodles to say so towards ownly blaming, besides fertile the radicle slicing man Si, let he the momentary is in a spot, so one Nu under, expect Er to wear man to point at his nose to roar a way:"Pair commanding officer, please watch for your language of expression, probably you that some kind of words are good intentionses, but I still can not accept, because from start into eventually, you don't peg out who is the commander in chief here!"
The radicle sneer that is fertile to slice man Si:"I have power to remind you, and, you should also accept!"
"Is this threatenning me?Boy!"Expect Er to wear man eye pupil to tighten, to just discover now, this bastard didn't imagine medium so warm, luckily at the beginning didn't express his own meaning with him, this bastard absolutely was a cold stare son wolf.
In fact isn't that he don't want to express, just that the somebody else didn't give him the opportunity, the typical model could not eat grape to say grape sour goods!
Is fertile to slice man Si radicle firmness of the vision shows unintentionally the smiling face of Ji Feng towards seeing, corner of mouth with him:"Superior, this isn't the threat, this is just a kind of good intentions to remind!"
For the sake of the face, expected Er to wear man to go ahead regardless, at that moment on jilting a hand, twist a way:"Like to stay here and wait I to tidy up this to help flea and come to discuss an in command of problem with you again!"Say, he steps out berth and unexpectedly neglect own peace or chaos runs to in the deck.
By this time fight have already got into white-knuckle, after all have overwhelming advantage, the other party so far lose half the number, although the evidence that didn't want to escape, expect Er to wear man have already seen they can not insist how long, so, his smiling face isn't very satisfied, just do know this kind of satisfied exactly can insist how long ……
"Send telegram for colonel quickly!Our claim supports!"Have already changed the wood rattan of protect Luo in a hurry to a correspondent order.
The correspondent doesn't dare to neglect to immediately press the parlance of protecting Luo to send telegram for headquarters, the contents is easy, request to start out a submarine support.Yes, this submarine is last month and B46 the reconnaissance planes ordered together, also belonged to curio class naturally, even if so, emperor benefit's still keeping being collected as the darling baby's son , after all to pirate, can own a submarine and explained that their layers has already risen to another height.
The hair finishes telegram and protect Luo morrow order way:"At all costs, debarkation shark island!"He is to see out, although the thermodynamic power of the other party has overwhelming advantage,the commanding officer of the other party is an idiocy with sheer, you ask why?Use guided missile to see out from they.
This kind of explodes Gao guided missile and explodes under the so near distance, may arouse whirlpool very much, this kind of whirlpool canned be more than terror in the mire pond in the brook, that huge vacuum force, sometimes even sail the mother can not bear.
However, the other party seemed to henchman shi luck, although shoot several guided missiles in a row,did not cause tidal wave or whirlpool, may because here close to a shark island, don't calculate deep sea.
Now that the other party is an idiocy, so fight each other with him undoubtedly is a not wise action, so protecting Luo will issue order debarkation, he believes, as long as insist a personal square submarine to aids to, to these warships ships with no antisubmarine device, only have to demolish an one way.
It is to send out to to plea for help signal to pour, can the emperor benefit is certain and then can receive?

Text 278 chapter academic associations betray!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:04 chapter word numbers:8353

Month black homicide night, breeze Gao sets fire a sky.
The cent of the during the midnight, the diagram is Manx drive one regiment black cloud cover with.
The moderate and moist sea breeze once blows and mixed up a salty gamey smell son in the air and imitated the flavor of Buddha blood and made the atmosphere become abnormality uncanny, ten thousand Lais accompanied quiet, two pole light the light hang Gao Gao's 瞭 outside the base to hope tower up, two Tao Kuang pillars don't stop transformation, illuminated the strange stone of Lin Xun of island and also shone on to patrol the reflection on water that the captain grows.
"Shua Shua-"
The step voice of loud and clear orderliness hopes tower to below ring out from the 瞭 , a Vietnamese opened shadowily and slept an eye downwards a square to look about one eye, saw an impression of army to a tee a troops just from the distance and greatly marked time since then, the number has 20 people around, at the right moment is drawing up of a patrol party, the troops arranges to a tee 2 rows, the dark gun takes care of breathing of sending forth death under the star sky.
Probably proceed from instinct, this Vietnamese suddenly felt difficult to expressly danger and aroused to work properly to beat one cold Zhan.Is harsh voice to drink a way:"Stop!Are you to which divide a brigade?"
For head a soil the gray soldier pack of patrol captain Shu however raise better arm, after death of more than 20 persons Ga however halt.Icy coldly the response separates empty spread:"The leader contains life and strengthens to patrol for these two days, all the person waits all hard be on duty at post, can not be wrong!"
"H'm,cheap beats by dre?"The 瞭 hopes tower up, that Related articles:

